I've linked up with Stephanie over at Mrs. D's Corner to share my New Year, New Goals for 2015.
PERSONAL- I think I'm with 90% of America when I express that I would like to eat better and exercise more. This is the time of the year when I start to feel it. Like the past few months of treats, parties, and fundraiser cookies are starting to catch up to me. Last year, I would wake up at 5am 3 days a week for an early morning jog...sooo early but I remember how good I felt. Need to do that again. Perhaps I know that once I get back in the routine and stick with it, I will feel so much better! Every 3-4 months I do an Herbal cleanse to get myself back on track and it always helps rejuvenate my body. Looking forward to that January 1.
PROFESSIONAL- This goal is a simple one. I want to create more lessons and activities for TpT, share them with others and blog about it. I'm open to more leadership roles at my school as well. It is sometimes hard to do the teacher/mom thing when you have little ones but the kids are starting to get older which makes juggling everything a little easier. Well, sorta. :)
PLANNING- This is my 7th year in 2nd grade and I LOVE it! Quite passionate, actually. I love the age of the kids and the curriculum, even when it changes frequently, it's just a great year! But the downfall can be sticking with the tried and true lessons or activities we have done in the past. I am our team leader and I want to continue to plan new and engaging lessons. I have a fabulous team and we work together so well to plan our lessons. It would be good to focus on NEW and fresh ideas for this new year!
ORGANIZATION- I find it funny when people say I am so organized. I have them all fooled. Behind closed (cabinet) doors, there can be a bit of a mess. My desk drawers...well, only I can find what I need in there. Sometimes. It is just time to organize.
STUDENTS- I want for EACH of my students to give their best 100% of the time. I feel, most of the time, that I provide good enrichment opportunities for my advanced students. I also feel that I do all that I can using interventions, accommodations for those struggling students. My goal is that my attention is balanced for those kiddos in the middle. Sometimes it is easy to work more with the struggling kids and the advanced learners but my goal is to be sure that I help EVERY child reach their true potential while in my classroom.
MOTTO- "Work hard, Play hard" may speak for itself but I really believe in pushing my kids to work hard. But I also believe school and my classroom should be a lot of fun! We celebrate working hard often and I plan to continue that in 2015!
So there you have it! Be sure to check out the other great bloggers and their new goals. You can also link up yourself! Start HERE!
Thanks for reading and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
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