Saturday, October 26, 2013


Last week was Red Ribbon Week where we celebrate our ONE life and understand the importance of saying NO to drugs. Each day we had a theme. We wore our CAMO gear on Monday to show that drugs can't find us and on Tuesday we teamed up against drugs and wore our jerseys.

On Wednesday, we supported our ONE WORD for the week which was NO by wearing our own ONE word for the year on our shirts, face, arm, sign...whatever. Here is a pic of our class with their one word.

In our GE group, Great Expectations, where we have a mixture of k-2 students or 3-5 students, come to  us each Wednesday for good citizenship lessons etc, we made a poster to show that we have the power to say NO! 

Here was our group's poster using Pic Collage. (Have I mentioned how much I like that app?)

The next day, was RED OUT against drugs and every single one of my kids participated and wore red! We also had a pep rally that afternoon for our Marcus Marauder football team. We are the only elementary school in the district to have a pep rally for our high school with all the football players, cheerleaders and coaching staff involved. The kids loved it, of course, and it gives them a great sense of pride in their future high school.

On Friday, to wrap up the week, we wore our mismatched socks. Didn't get a pic of that day. It was a great week and I hope the kids always remember the importance of teaming up against something that will certainly rob them of their ONE WORD!

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