Sunday, September 7, 2014

Congrats to our SOS kids!!

This past week we celebrated some pretty awesome kids! 

These were all of the 2nd graders from last year who completed their Second Grade Study Over Summer Packet
Very proud of them so we celebrated with an after school popsicle party! 

Congrats to these smiling faces!!

On the last day of school, we gave every 2nd grader a study packet including a comprehensive review of 2nd grade skills as well as the must-have essentials for preparing for 3rd grade. 

My fabulous sister actually created most of this packet back when she taught 2nd grade and I added a few activities and tweaked a few things to meet our current curriculum. 
The packet included several activities for language arts, reading, writing, math, science, social studies and so on! There were many options given for the activities that would peek their kids' interest. I also designed for it to be pretty independent from needing mom or dad's help. All the parents had to do was initial the activities along the way. Pretty simple!

Here are a few of the pages included...

Looks like fun, huh?! If you want to grab your copy for later on in the year, you can find it here in my TpT store! There is also a black and white version for easy printing!

Every year that I have been sending this home, I get 2-3 students who complete and return but I hear that MOST of them start on it and get some practice. ;) Better some than none, right? I also think its those awesome parents who stay on them to get it completed too. 

This year, however, I had 5 fabulous kids from my homeroom get it completed and returned! So proud of them!!

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